An attempt to draw my fav actor
Jun 29, 2015
Hugh jackman
My artistic skillks

Mar 18, 2015
The Gaze
My artistic skillks

Mar 14, 2015
I Wonder
article isn’t particularly about anything but the thoughts that crawl through
my mind. I wouldn’t denote myself a ‘thinker’ but yes, I love to think. Imagination
is where everything begins. So, as I sat checking my whatsapp messages, I
happened to come across an audio file send by my niece. It was a ‘shaayari’ or
you could say a 3 to 4 line rhythmic rhyming poem where the matter is directly
addressed. I am not much of a shaayari person but thought about listening to
this one as my niece has my taste to philosophies. And I was right, this was
different, as in this one gave me a topic to think about.
In this
shaayari, the poet mentions that may be death is a very beautiful concept. So
beautiful that anyone who sees it for the first time forgets all about life.
And I kept wondering, what if the poet is true? We are taught since childhood
that death is dark and the soul taker to be ‘Yam raj’! An obese gentle man with
thick curly mustache and a pot belly. I remember mommy telling me that He is
the most punctual and duty determined of all the creations and he would travel
on a buffalo. But when I think about it now, what if it is an imagination? I
mean, death is the end of life or in other words death is believed to be a
darker side that comes after a beautiful phase called life, as we believe. So
the person who imagined it gave this terrifying face to death and called it
Yamraj. If we have to interpret it our way and taking into consideration the
happenings around the world today what if we are already in the dark phase and
death is an entrance to a much beautiful phase where there is no negativity? And
may be to help us move on to next phase it isn’t this terrifying gentleman
“yamraj” who would guide us but a beautiful vivacious lady with soothing calm
voice, the actual face of death? It can
happen right? I was wondering..
As I
thought, I saw a program on TV saying “Searching for aliens”. The anchor of the
program is actually a researcher and is in search of proofs about alien existence.
Isn’t it clear that aliens do exist? I mean, if you believe science to be true
or even if you believe in ancient scriptures, both point to the existence of
aliens. Scientifically, we are all taught that life existed on earth because of
its distance from sun creating the perfect environment for life to begin. In
that case, sun isn’t the only star existing in this universe but there are more
than a zillion stars around us, in fact we are just a part of a galaxy called Milky
Way that alone consists of more than a zillion stars. And it seems that there a
zillions of such galaxies existing. If we take all that into consideration then
we can say that probably each star will have their own set of planet systems as
our solar system. If that is so,
wouldn’t there be planets which would be in a distance from their home star,
favorable for life existence? We are not talking about another star but
infinite stars and their planet systems. This is my justification to why I
believe in alien existence. If history is what you believe in, then there are
proofs of alien existence in Egyptian, Mayan and many such civilizations which
they refer to as descending Gods in their scriptures. So don’t you think the question should be
something like “Does aliens visit earth often?” or “are alien technology more
advanced than us?” rather than “does aliens exist?” As I thought about all this
my imagination made in, its entry, leaving me to wonder that would there be a
parallel earth in which there would another India and Bangalore and a Chanjal
too watching this exact program as I am now? I wonder……
I tell
you, imagination is so beautiful. You can think anything and everything you
want with no limitations and rules. It might seem nonsense at times and at
times it leaves you confused. I wonder if we were not humans we wouldn’t have
this beautiful gift of God called imagination, right? There is a hindi song
“ Rab ne
badi fursath se banaya hai tumhe”.
And I
would say, yes, God has given all his time for creating us humans. We are absolute
magic of nature. We are gifted with so beautiful abilities yet we ignore them
all. Now a day most people are mere machines to make money, (laughs…) I know
what you would be commenting now, “Yeah right! We’ll sit here imagining and die
starving..” (..laughs) earning money is a necessity, I know, I do it myself but
all I am saying is that in this rat race do take a moment to look at life.
Appreciate your abilities because if you actually see, these inbuilt abilities
we have, are much-much more effective than any man made entertainment.
better wrap this up here because my thoughts keep shifting from one thought to
another. Happy thinking every one!

Mar 6, 2015
My artistic skillks

Mar 3, 2015
The stare
My artistic skillks

From the dark
My artistic skillks

Jan 23, 2015
staring at the world
My artistic skillks

Jan 8, 2015
more than words can say
My artistic skillks

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