Mar 9, 2007

My Heart.......

My heart is small, as small as my fist,
Inside my heart, there is a long list,
Of people I love and memories I cherish,
From when I was born to the day I will perish.
People I love, start from mom dad and bro,
Husband, my love, and my cousins also,
My friends have a special place in my heart,
My GOD has been there in me, right from the start.
Uncles and aunts and my list just go on,
Is there an end, well, the answer is no.
Memories, to say I have tones of them too,
From where to get started, I don’t have a clue,
It starts from the time when I was just born,
Persisting till, from this world I am gone.
So many memories and people I love,
How do they manage to live in my heart?
What so ever be the reason you see,
I’m glad that they live in a heart that’s in me….

5 comments recieved, please click here to comment:

purplepinkbliss said...

Rhymes just like a rap song!

Girija Vijayan said...

Nice concept...sure all those in ur list enjoy their stay!

Preet said...

hey dis 1 is cool!!!!

David Antony said...

this is soooooooooo lovinggg and chho cuuuute :-)
the ppl who stay in ur heart are really lucky!! :-)

The Geekie said...


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