Dec 15, 2014
In thoughts
My artistic skillks

Dec 9, 2014
Dec 3, 2014
My artistic skillks

The story of a beautiful friendship
Once upon a time there lived a rose alone in the gardens. She loved her garden but felt the pain of loneliness every time she woke. Whenever friendly flowers grew close to her, the gardeners would replant them away as to keep her unique. Unique was she but lonely. One day she chose to look at the sky and happened to see a smiling sun. For the first time she realized that she could possibly make friends beyond her kind. She bloomed back at the sun and her glorious shades of red caught the sun's eye who chose to be her friend. Every Morning, the sun would wake her up with his delicate morning rays and she would bloom most beautifully with all her charm. Days passed and best friends they became, friends that complimented each other the most. But the skies had another choice to make. They envied their friendship and decided to have the sun on their own. Clouds formed and covered the sun as the sun tried beaming every possible rays to his best friend, but in vain. Not seeing her friend for long, the rose stopped blooming. She searched for him at every nook and corner of the sky. Days passed and the winds and clouds were harsh on her. Slowly she started to wither in distress and pain. Soon enough she was no more. Seeing their friendship come to an end, the clouds chose to move away from the sun. As the sun shone harder for days as he searched for her everywhere he realized she was gone. Until one day he saw a new rose bud spawn in her place. A beginning of a new friendship and thus continued the change of seasons.

Sep 18, 2014
Yuvika’s mamma
year was a huge year for me. I would say so because I learnt a few more things
as a mother and also could live a “working woman’s life”. Last year with a whole lot of enthusiasm I
joined my daughter’s school as a teacher. It was a very beautiful experience. I
could meet and know 35 new children and soon did we bond quite well too. I
still do miss them now but I wouldn’t say I regret taking the decision to
resume my home maker tag.
thing I learnt about being a mother is, no matter how big your child becomes
there will never be a time when they wouldn’t need you. I say so because last
year this was one among the points I gathered to become a working mother. I
thought she is 5 years old, and I will be working in her school so rather than
missing me, I would be around her so she wouldn’t miss me at all. So I misconstrued
it to be a win-win situation. But every time I returned from school what I saw
were her eyes searching for my attention when I would be busy with my own
homework. She would then slowly stand beside me intending to spend time with me
after which, I suppose, but I would on the contrary yell at her saying, “Yuvi! Either
finish your home work if you have any or go watch cartoon, DON’T DISTURB ME!” I wouldn’t say that I didn’t see her becoming
sad then, but I ironically do admit that I didn’t mind ignoring it as I thought
my work was more important at the point. And when thinking about it now, I
didn’t realize that every time I was being appreciated at school for my work,
it was actually gained at the cost of my daughter’s happiness. But practically
speaking I was physically there with her after school hours, and she didn’t
have much to learn at home so that part of my requirement wasn’t there either.
I made sure she had all her meals on times, her all physical needs were met.
But I wasn’t mentally there with her for the entire year last year and she was
taking it bad.
school, I would caress my children when they became sad and appreciate at the
simplest improvement they showed, but at home I preferred ignoring my child for
my career gains. My children’s parents called me a “motherly teacher” while in
real, I was failing at my role as a mother. I didn’t realize all these at that
moment until one day God decided to show me my mistakes. As I cared for my
children at class, my daughter was also blessed with a loving caring mother
like teacher. She always taught her set of children morals and lessons of life
besides the academy. May be that would be why Yuvi did not spoil in the one
year I ignored her. One day , her madam, walked up to me and asked what my daily schedules were . Initially I
was a little confused on why does she want to know my routine, but very proudly
poured in all my work routine believing that I am doing the best I can do. After
listening to my entire words, she asked me, “Chanjal, do you know you child
misses you?” I was like “Misses me? How…
I mean why? I am always there with her, at school, at home…..??? I don’t get
it.” She simply smiled and told me that
she had asked her class about their parents the previous day and my daughter
being one among the most reserved child in the class replied so, “I love my
mamma. She does scold me for my bad doings but I know she does so because she
loves me. But now, Mamma is so busy that
I can only see her running around. She doesn’t sit with me or play with me
anymore. So papa plays with me after office. I think she loves her class
children more now. May be they listen to her very well.” Honestly speaking,
when I heard this, I was lost. I didn’t hear another word anyone said. I did
realize then that I have officially become a bad mother now.
was my wake up call. And I changed, from the exact day on wards I made sure
that as soon as I came home I would hold her and share my whole day with her.
And when she slept at night I was on my school work. My performance at school
did deteriorate from then though, but no one complained. Gradually due to this
unhealthy routine of mine my health began complaining and finally at the end of
the academic year, I resigned. It was painful and joyous at the same moment to
do so. A huge lesson I learnt, I must say. All, our children want is love,
attention, a feeling they are important to us. They need to know that! All the
other of their necessities can be met with alternatives except for your love!
No one can give them your share of love. And no matter big they become, they
will always seek your love if you constantly give them. Hope you realize your
mistake too, if you are doing any.. ..

A Goul or a lady?
Hi everyone! I was wondering I had
always shared with you my point of views, my opinions and such so why don’t I
share a few of my “spooky” experiences this time. Here goes.
I was in my 10th and my
board exams were on. With only 1 more day to go for my Science exam I was
engrossed in my books loosing track of time. While I was recollecting all the diseases
caused by malnutrition and its cures, the clock interrupted me, striking 3 in
the morning. “God! Its 3 already!” I
thought. It didn’t scare me though, as I was used to these long hour studies
since my 5th STD. “Enough for today, I do have a day more to go”
alleviating myself so, I closed my books and kept all my stationeries in place.
Since childhood I was scared of darkness and so my papa fixed a dimmer on the
bedroom light which I always made sure to be at its max while I went to sleep.
I and my brother shared a room. As I saw my brother lying on bed snoring
through his sleep, I lied on the bed, prayed to God and was all set to go to my
la-la land. The room, in which we slept, had photographs of lord Krishna whom
we worshipped, right at the entrance of our room. I was all ready on the bed
and as I pulled my blanket covering myself till my shoulders, I saw a lady next
to our worship place. She was looking at Krishna’s photograph with her hands in
gesture saying Namaste, her eyes were filled with love or devotion or whatever
you may call it and she stood there as if she had forgotten about the
world. She was gorgeously very fair and
she had jet black curly hair till her hips that was dripping as if she had just
had a dip in the waters. She was wearing a light off brown skirt covering her
torso till her knees but exposing her shoulders and skin seemed as butter. In
the light of the bright crème bedroom light just above her, she glowed very
godly like a Goddess. I was not scared for moment because I was rather confused
on where I was. The second I reckoned that this woman is no one I know and she
is the one who is in the wrong place, chills ran through my spin. I could
really feel some sort of electricity running through my entire body. I was
lying there on the bed staring at this gorgeous lady in my room and I did not
know what to do. Suddenly, in the compulsion to make an action, I gathered all
my strength and decided to face her. Without thinking, I sat on my bed throwing
my blanket away and asked in a shivering bold voice, “Who is it?” .The next
moments that happened, were nothing like I ever experienced till date. The lady
in my room, still not bothered of anything around her, slowly, rather very
slowly stated to become vague. After a few seconds I could see though her as if
she was some sort of holographic image. Within a few more seconds she was gone!
Completely gone! Chills again ran through me, I wanted to call out my parents
who were in sound sleep just beyond the hallway. But this time, I couldn’t make
a sound. With no other option and fear sprouting in me, I somehow gathered my
voice to call them out. I just called them once and maybe it was the fear in my
voice that both ma and pa came running into my room. I narrated the entire
incident to them, shivering. Even though my parents tried consoling me that it
was just a hallucination I had, I could see my parents looking around as if
they believed in what I saw. Calling my
brother, we all that night slept together in ma-pa’s room. But next day
everyone acted normal and days went on smoothly till one day, years after this
incident I again met the same lady in another weird situation. That story I’ll
narrate may be next time. Bye. Stay safe!

Feb 27, 2014
A new chapter in life
Here I am with yet another experience. This is about a role I took
up in life and the goods and the bad I underwent in the phase. As most of you
all know, I have been a house wife all along until last year when I suddenly
decided to join my daughter’s school as a teacher to fulfill my passion to
teach little tots. The moment I was acknowledged about my selection as a
teacher, I was thrilled and ecstatic. I planned my schedule for the entire year
making sure of it as such that my family wouldn’t even realize me working at
So, it was the first day and I was as expected, nervous but of course stubborn to do my best. I expected the children to be more bolshie, weeping, whining and all the rest of the fear in the world. But to my surprise they were more controlled and matured. Even though a few exceptions were there, majority of them would silently weep and try convincing us to let them go. My poor darlings! In return we would hug them, kiss them, sing to them, tell them stories and in no time they were all settled the very first day! And for my little tough babies, expert aunties involved in. But angels they were! MY Angels! Each of them, such sweet miracles of God! I never, in my dreams thought being a teacher was such a magical job! Trust me! Every improvement a child underwent seemed like magic. I never, till date, realized how it happened? Even when their parents tried giving me all the credits I gave them all back to my little darlings because I have no idea what I did. It’s all them, it’s all their hard work, I did nothing.
When all this magical moments happened I had started facing
the unexpected. The schedule I planned earlier? Never actually happened.
Every day had a reason to break it. And if I was the only one who suffered, I
would, with no doubt, choose to endure more to see my little angels grow. But,
unfortunately, my family also suffered, especially my princess. What happened
was that even though we teachers were officially meant to be in the
school till just 1, we had to stay till 3, 4 and even 5 for corrections,
preparation, meetings and other zillion reasons. To accolade it all, I wasn't
aware about the rule that children shouldn't stay back after school hours. Oh
God! Crèche wasn't an option for us because we had earlier decided that as much
as possible we will NOT put our daughter in a crèche. So when my husband was
not in station, which happened most of the time last year, I would hesitantly
walk up to our HM madam requesting her to grant me permission to
retain my daughter. Our HM madam is more like a fried ice cream; all crusty and
hard outside but all soft, melting and sweet inside. She is a wonderful lady
who tries to help anyone who lets her to do so. Wanting to help me too but
still abiding to the rules she was grand me permission with a statement not to
repeat it again. Poor madam, she never denied me any permission at all what so
ever be it and rather tried to always make me feasible for the permission.
It’s really kind of her.What after that? My daughter would sit there in my
class from 12:30 to what ever time I were to stay and would simply look outside
or draw on the board without complaining about anything at all. Even my friend
teachers would tell me how wrong I was doing making her to undergo those
lonely hours, but what choice did I too have? I felt guilty the entire year for
doing such cruelty to her even though it was not on purpose. But I never
expected her to be so indulgent and mature enough to understand my circumstances
which in turn was bad for her, as I made her to suffer it again
and again when there was no complains made . My poor darling! I
am very blessed to have a baby as her, I must say. I wouldn't deny a
few mumbling at school about me retaining my daughter but I preferred
being deafened to them as I always choose to remain silent on matters not
confronted to me. I deem in matters being spoken than being gossiped.
Anyways, on the other days my darling had a more emotional suffering,
if I could frame so. As per I was concerned, I was relieved the moment my
husband came to pick her up as to me I feel she is safe with her uncle, my
brother, who would take care of her quite well. But to what he told me, my
princess would be all quite with tears in her eyes and always kept running to
the window to see if I was coming. It was becoming difficult for me to accept my
daughter being hurt this way almost everyday. But before I could even think
about making a decision, my health added to the list of reasons I needed to
consider. Due to quite a few sleepless nights which I chose to try putting in
my best to my work; I started to face some serious health issues. Leaving me
with no other choices than hard heartedly deciding to leave the school from the
next academic year.
But I did not leave empty handed for sure. I made a handful of friends
to cling on to. I met a few awesome human beings who helped me at every step of
my work. I learnt how to handle things. I became more independent and confident
and most important of all I was blessed and showered with the innocent love of
my 33 darlings! I will cherish every beautiful memory I lived through the year I
worked and will compensate with all possible time I have with my daughter for
the unintentional sufferings I caused her. In a summary a short chapter in my
life just got over with all its share of sugar and spices and now here I am
feeling proud of being a housewife and feeling a bit more powerful than ever!

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