May 8, 2011


I stood there alone in the centre of the crowd,

That indicted and howled at me so loud,

Helplessly I stood gawking at the ground,

Feeling more lonely than now it sounds,

Suddenly on me, I felt a warm touch,

I turned to see who loved me so much,

“MOM” I cried feeling an ease at heart,

And ran into her welcoming open arms,

I hugged her tight, closing my eyes,

Deafeningly, like a tot, I cried,

After a few, moment or so,

I lifted my head and nobody I saw,

Not a soul there with a negative vibe,

As if it never happened in my life,

I then looked into my mom’s eyes,

A godly grace I notice in them, this time,

I fell back into her warm loving hands,

‘I love you ma’, I whispered in her ears.


4 comments recieved, please click here to comment:

mom said...

very good poem dear allways you are mysweet babby mollu love you too

mom said...

very good poem my dear all ways you are my sweet babby love you too

mom said...

very good poem my dear all ways you are my sweet baby love you too

Pinkpearl said...

@ mom,
Thankyou ma, i wrote it especially for you for being the best mom on the planet.. love you too... i will always be you little sweet heart ma... MUAH!

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