Jun 19, 2009
Much beyond what they seems

May 11, 2009
Reliving a wonderful day
On a bed, I laid facing the walls,
With my baby, inside my belly, so small.
Recalling everything that happened that day,
And worrying if my baby being ok.
The pressure of my blood, rise with no control,
The reason why, exactly no one knows,
Drugs and shots showered like never before,
But my pressure kept increasing more and more.
Then that night, my doctor came to talk,
And told me “Honey, all’s not as we thought”,
I bet I was dead for a second or so,
“My baby…?” I asked, in a tone very low.
“Your baby is fine” ah…finally she said,
Music were, those words to my ears,
Then there was a “but” that followed,
That held my breath for a moment more.
“We need to take your baby out”,
“Already, a lot of time we’ve lost”.
Those words sent me to a state of fright,
Dreadful thoughts crept off my mind.
I wished my husband were there with me,
And my parents for once I wanted to see,
What if I didn’t make it through the moments to happen?
How will I tell them how much I love them?
With scissors and knives cutting through my belly,
I lay there staring at the lights above me.
Deaden and numb I felt my body,
And my head filled with thoughts eerie.
All I heard were those metal clinking sounds,
And suddenly I heard a sound that felt odd.
I soon realized it was my baby cry aloud,
Oh my GOD! My baby is now born!
I don’t remember anything from then on,
I was in my own new beautiful thoughts,
Of a life I were to live from then on,
As a mother of my little new born.
Once again reliving that wonderful day,
Simply lightens up my little face,
And make me gaze at my bundle of happiness,
To realize how precious she is to us.
nb-> my baby is now 9 mnths old.....

Mar 26, 2009
A memory to cherish
It was 3 in the afternoon; the labor room doors were shut closed. Dharam walked to and fro in apprehension, Sayanthini sat on a chair supporting Janaki amma who was limitlessly worrying. There was tension filled in the environment. Suddenly the labor room doors opened. Everyone’s eyes ran to the door. A nurse came out with a white bundle. “It’s a Girl”, she said. Dharam ran to the nurse to hold his angel. He couldn’t believe his eyes, he recalled her small kicks and jerks he felt on his darling Sandhya’s tummy and now here she is all cuddled up, in his hands. Tears rolled off his eyes; “She is beautiful” He whispered and kissed the baby’s forehead. “Yes she is, Dharam,” replied Janaki amma who was now a grandma. Sayanthini was eager to hold her niece. She carefully held the baby in her arms. Within no time, Sandhya was united to her family; Sandhya and Dharam looked at each other. There was a wordless conversation between their eyes. Suddenly the baby interrupted them with her cry, Dharam laughed at this and to the baby he said “Yes darling, now you will get all our attention”. The rest too laughed to what he said and enjoyed the moment at its fullest.

For You My Dear…….
The instant I acknowledged your existence in me,
I stood there astounded, smiling in glee
Droplets of tears rolled out from my eyes,
I don’t know why at that moment I cried.
Was it the happiness or love that I felt?
Or an emotion for which words would fall less,
Or a sensation about u being in me,
Beautiful was it, which ever the reason be.
Your father, who as well, stood there speechless,
Had a smile on his face and a look of excitement,
Though stronger than me, tears rolled off his eyes,
He too must have had the feelings as mine.
Punching and kicking you created a bond,
An attachment to describe was words beyond,
Our touch and stroke performed as to respond,
A beautiful connection had now been formed.
Time ticked off and bigger you grew,
Your punching and kicking was now stronger too,
The enliven and hearty movements you made,
Showed us how exiting was the feeling you had.
Darling, my dear, we love you so much,
Waiting for the day you will accompany us,
And win our hearts with that charismatic touch,
Eagerly waiting for you so much.
N.B-> This poems was written when i was pregnant. Reading this poem makes me wonder that this little princess of mine was the one who was all kicking in my belly some months ago.It is a speechless feeling.

Jan 28, 2009
The next day, Vikha as usual, dressed up to go to the college. At college, Vikha and her friends spent the whole time discussing about this man she came across the previous day at the function. She just couldn’t get him off her mind. Returning home, she saw a Red Ford Icon parked in front of her house. With a very confused expression, Vikha wondered whose it was. Slowly entering the house she saw many unfamiliar having tea with her parents. “Here she is!” Said her father with a pinch of excitement in his voice, “Go and freshen up honey, we have some guests waiting to meet you.” Understanding the whole situation she was walking to the next room when by the corner of her eye she saw her “unknown handsome man” sitting at the last sofa staring at her with a stunning smile. Before she could ensure it was really him or simply her imagination she had entered the next room. To go back and have look wasn’t a good idea at all so she went forward to get freshened up as being told. After a while Vikha’s mom, came in to help her dress up. As she helped, she said, “Vikha, honey, this is a very good marriage proposal, the boy is damn handsome and he is an engineer abroad. Besides they had seen you yesterday at Anushitha’s wedding and the boy made you his choice.” Vikha silently listened to everything and nodded as a response.
Vikha was bought outside to the guests waiting for her. After knowing the exact situation here Vikha wasn’t courageous enough to even lift her eyelids. Everyone showered questions at her and Vikha silently answered all she could. When everyone seemed satisfied and happy one elderly among the guests said “Wouldn’t the boy and the girl want to have a word? So how about leave them here and we go to see the house?” agreeing to this everyone except a person left the room.
“Hi”, said a very manly but gentle voice. “hi” replied Vikha very silently still looking down. “I am Akshith….. to be specific the person you bumped into yesterday” and just that moment Vikha looked at him. And yes it was him, the same “unknown handsome man” she was thinking about the whole day! Vikha was speechless and didn’t know what to do. She resumed her position with her eyelids down but this time she had a smile on her face. Akshith who was watching vikha’s reaction smilingly said, “ I can see that you did recall me. And as for me, I liked you the very moment we met and I now know all I want to know about you so do you want to know anything about me?” Vikha shyly replied “No”. “Oh I suppose that is Uncle’s and aunty’s part of the job, right?” asked Akshith trying to mix in a sense of humour. Vikha too responded with a small giggle. Their small and almost one sided conversation went on for a few minutes and finally Akshith losing her patience asked, “Vikha, do you like me?” Vikha slowly raised her head and looked at Akshith. There was a silence between them. She looked down again and replied “Yes”. Akshith felt on top of the world and said. “Thank you. Thankyou so much, we’ll soon meet again. Very soon.” Saying this he walked off the room and joined Vikha again with the rest.
Everyone had left and the teasing part of her parents and brother was over too. Vikha was in her room lying on her bed finding it hard to believe what just happened. “I never thought I was this lucky”, She thought when suddenly her mobile rang.
“Hello, Vikha here”,
“Hello Darling, your Akshith here”
“Akshith!.... hi”
“So what was my beautiful doing?”
“Nothing? Or thinking about me?”
Vikha giggled.
“Now I got that answer”.
This conversation went for hours and hours. Everyday both Akshith and Vikha chatted on hours and hours on phone. Even though both very badly wanted to meet each other their parents disagreed to it. But Akshith managed to meet vikha from her college at times. A month passed as a blink of an eye and the date of their union came.
Halls were grandly decorated and everything was done at its at most perfection Everything was as it had to be and so were the rituals conducted. Now Akshith and Vikha was “husband and wife” . As she sat their with Akshath posing for the camera’s she noticed a girl bump into a boy some distance away. With a smile she thought “There comes another Akshith and Vikha… hihihihi”.