May 17, 2007

My Journey In Life

Some compare life, to an ocean,
For others life is, a simple notion,
But life is a concept, I think as I walk,
That is wider, than any words can talk.

Seeing life, as a simple lane,
Helps me think, in a different way,
To fight the threats, sharper than knife,
And bare the wounds, as a part of my life.

Turning back, to the time that is gone,
I see the lane, I had walked on,
The entire lane, right from the start,
From the time, i came from God's heart.

I remember the time, when I was a child,
My parents always, stood by my side,
To guard me from miseries, those were on my way,
And make me more happy, by taking my pain.

Playing and laughing, I frolicked my way,
My parents and brother, was with me always,
But one day I saw, a man on my lane,
Waiting for me, some foot steps away.

The smile on his face, and love in his eyes,
Captured my heart, and made me his wife.
He held on my hand, and forward he went,
As a good wife, I followed him then.

My parents and brother, me and husband,
Together we covered, a longer distance.
And here I stand, turning behind,
To see how my journey, was till now in life….

©Suzanne Woolcott sw3740 Tema diseñado por: compartidisimo